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Strike Gold with Your Cleaning Company Website


When people need cleaning services, they usually go online for help. You need to build your cleaning company website the right way to make your visitors choose you easily. The difference between a rightly constructed website and a wrongly built one is a whole lot of customers.


So how do you make your cleaning company website gain a competitive edge? Distinguish your website from the millions of awkward and garish webpages by designing a dynamic website for your residential or commercial cleaning services. Below is a bunch of designing tips on how to do it right and make your online presence a lot better. 


Appeal to your customers.


There is a reason alcoholic beverage advertisements feature a lot of women in bikinis or parties. They are selling the product by connecting it with appealing things like sex and fun. Your cleaning and janitorial website may target a different market but at heart, it is still an advertisement for your business. To learn more about web designs, visit


You may target home and business owners and reel them in with a powerful hook. Build a website that appeals to the busy. Are they tired of cleaning their carpet, floor, glass and window on their own, and can't seem to find time to do a decent cleaning of their premises? Appeal to them by promising a happy family life or a me-time for those with a harried work life by doing the cleaning for them.


Use design effectively.


Come up with a successful website by simplifying your page, accurately targeting your message, and being conscious of how people will read it. Add value to your cleaning company websites by keeping it clean, clear and effortless to navigate. Ditch the fancy designs that are distracting and make it easy to get to the exact page your customer needs.


Know also how prospective clients read and use web pages. Visitors will most likely read your page in an F-shaped pattern: they will read horizontally across the first paragraph or so, read across in a second horizontal movement, and only read the first word of each line of the rest of the article vertically. State in your first two paragraphs your most important information.


Personalize your website.


It is human nature to connect with other human beings so post your picture, your sales personnel, and your other staff in your  cleaning company websites. The use of human images increases viewer response as it gives customers a face for the service.

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